The Nation's Largest Minority Group


             Infinity Fun and Travel

The Nation's Largest Minority Group

One in four adults are living with some form of disability.  Disability expert and author Kathie Snow calls this "the nation's largest minority group, which is both the most inclusive and the most diverse.

"Everyone is represented - people of both genders and of all ages, as well as individuals from all religions, ethnic backgrounds and socioeconomic levels," she wrote in a 2005 essay. "Furthermore, the disability community is the only minority group which anyone can join, at any time."

The ADA signed into law in 1990, put federal protections in place to help Americans living with disabilities navigate many areas of public life.  While created in good faith, it's emphasis is on basic compliance rather than true function.  We're missing the whole human component.

It's an issue that inspired entrepreneur Jake Steinman to create Travel Ability, an organization with a mission to improve travel experience for people with disabilities through events, newsletters, resources and education. Visit Travel Ability here:

Traveling for people with disabilities is growing. People are going to age into disability if they're lucky. So programs need to be created to fill in the gaps.  This group loves to travel.  Of the 61 million adults in the U.S. who live with a disability, 27 million took a total of 81 million trips from 2018-20119 according to disability nonprofit Open Doors Organization.

There are many people who are staying home think their needs are not going to be met at certain businesses. For parents of children with neurodivergent disabilities which may include non-visible or hidden disabilities - such as autism spectrum, attention and/or mood disorders have the misconception they aren't entitled to travel or that there won't be venues that will understand and accept them. A survey in 2018 showed that 93% of special-needs parents said they would travel if they knew where to go and what to do.

This is where a Travel Advisor can help.  An advisor who has been trained and certified in special needs can make travel possible.  They will need to ask lots of questions.  There are a lot of moving pieces to be addressed to make sure you are well-cared for from start to finish.  Everyone requires different things.  Your advisor needs to get to know you and your personal needs.

The good thing is that the travel industry is becoming aware of people's needs.  The airlines have special programs at the airports and plane boarding to make it easier to fly.  The cruiselines have cabins that accommodate all different kinds of needs. They also have included specific programs for children with special needs.  

It's possible, with a little extra work by the travel advisor, for clients of all abilities and differences to travel.  It is rewarding to see pictures of clients in destinations they only dreamed of going - castles in Europe, the streets of France - the beaches of Mexico - that they made possible for them.

Note: Infiity Fun and Travel advisors are certified Special Needs Specialists.  Contact us for assistance with your travel. Contact IFAT Here


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