
Showing posts from February, 2023

7 Tips For Vacation Photos

  Infinity Fun and Travel 7 Tips for Better Vacation Photos We've all taken those family vacation pictures at a theme park, or maybe on a cruise, or visiting a landmark.  Yet, when we look back at them they look so formal and planned or just plain goofy.   Everyone has these photos, but they don't have to be the only photos you take during a trip.  We have an increased desire to take photos that reflect our travel journeys from the good to the funny, to the downright unforgettable.  These make the most personal souvenirs you can take home.  Phtography is about storytelling.  Try to tell the story of your vacation. Here are 7 tips to make these photos your story: 1. Use the camera you own You don't need to buy expensive equipment.  Everyone has a phone and the newer phones have improved the built in cameras. 2. Don't forget to take pictures of people You can buy postcards or google beautiful pictures of the Grand Canyon, but capturing the look on your family's face